Solar Panel Cleaning Systems
Proper Solar Panel Cleaning is an important step in acquiring the most energy from your panels. In order for your system to run
efficiently your solar panels should be cleaned routinely (scheduling available).
Your panel’s production depends on the intensity of sunlight that reaches panel’s internal crystals. Dirty panel cells with debris can
cut output power by 40% to 60%.
Sterling Jetting Systems are Manufacturers & Service Providers of High Pressure Washer for Solar Panels cleaning with
pressure 50 BAR to 350 BAR in Faridabad, Haryana, India.
Technical Specifications:
Type: Triplex-style Plunger Pumps
Model No: SJS-21-350
Flow Rate: 21 LPM
Min. Pressure: 50 BAR
Max. Pressure: 350 BAR
Motor (HP/KW): 20HP/15KW
It comes with high pressure water jetting pumps which are truck mounted or base frame mounted as per the requirement.
Many are ready to clean their own solar panels but do not know what to use. Here are some general guidelines:
- Work safely.
- If using ladders, make sure they are secured or footed at all times.
- Work within arm’s reach, not at arm’s reach.
- Protect yourself from the risk of electrocution.
- DO NOT use liquid chemicals to clean solar panels.
- Ultra-pure water is needed.
- If desired, dry the solar panels with a lint-free cloth